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Section 18
Grow Slowly

Table of Contents

a. Grow Slowly
The concept of "Growing Slowly" presented on the DVD refers to the idea that oftentimes motivation occurs for some residents like a layering process over time.  In other words, the motivation grows slowly and needs to be cultivated before the resident actually ends up taking action and becomes involved.  This gradual cultivation or layering approach was illustrated on the DVD by the use of sports pictures from a magazine affixed to the wall outside of the dining room.

b. Non traditional publications
The term "non-traditional" magazines refers to male oriented magazines, such as Sports Illustrated, Field and Stream, etc.. I call them non-traditional publications because most magazines that are donated are oftentimes female magazines.  Here is the essence of the story told on the DVD.
1. Post pictures of sports, or other non-traditional magazines, outside of the dining room.
2. A product you might use to hold the magazine pictures to the wall is called Fun-tack, which can be found on the Internet.
3. The residents who were not attending the Sports Discussion Group were encouraged to attend by the pictures posted on the wall outside of the dining room.  You may have some male residents who did not attend the Sports Discussion ask about the pictures.  Then respond with something like, "Oh, yes.  We talked about that in our Sports Discussion Group last week.  You should try and make it next time."
c. Nursing's Use of a Picture Gallery
Let's talk about the Culture Change concept, and how pictures posted on the wall can relate to nursing.  When a CNA is trained, ideally she is told that after she gets Joe up out of bed, she needs to say, “Hey Joe, what do you think about these pictures here on the wall of your room?”  And while she is dressing the resident she is trained to talk about the pictures or other items in the room with the resident.  The CNA might say, “Hey, you know, who is that playing there in that picture? I understand you are a big baseball fan.”  So, with the use of magazine pictures that highlight a resident's past interests, you can make a Picture Gallery on the wall of the resident’s room. The Picture Gallery is explained in further detail in Volume Two of this series. 

Also, a little footnote regarding your CMS Survey Team.  A Sports or Farm Picture Gallery, for example, in a resident's room is another way of showing that you have a well-rounded program that meets all of your residents' needs and not just the needs of the female crafters, perhaps.  In summary, as presented here, two of the uses of a Picture Gallery are to…
1. Motivate the resident to attend a group activity based on a past interest
2. Motivate the resident to become involved in a discussion of the pictures

Goal:  To attend Men's Discussion Group 50% of the time…
Goal:  To name the colors in the flowers in the Picture Gallery on her wall…
Goal:  To name objects in the Picture Gallery on her wall…

Below write the names of residents you feel would be interested in having a Picture Gallery created for the wall of their room, along with benefiting from discussion of the pictures once the Gallery has been created.  Also list residents who might be motivated to attend a group activity if magazine pictures or photos were displayed in the hallways as a means to generate interest and future participation.  I have listed three starter ideas for Galleries below, but obviously the sky-is-the-limit when the infinite number of pictures that could be in a Picture Gallery are considered.  Let your residents’ preferences be the guide. 

Residents to motivate by the use of a "Picture Gallery"

Type of Picture Gallery Based on Residents’ Interests


Staff or Volunteer Responsible

Baseball and Sports






Country Scenes












Culture Change CNA Inservice:  Brainstorm about residents whom CNAs feel a “Picture Gallery” might act as a motivator.

Goal: To attend Sports Discussion Group… 
Goal: To discuss pictures of flowers posted by her bed…
  Approach:  To talk to Joe about sports pictures posted in the hall…  To help Millie name the colors in the flowers…

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Back to Section 17

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