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Healthcare Training Institute - Quality Education since 1979
Track #15: Photos with Commentary
Table of Contents | NCCAP/NCTRC CE Booklet
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Track 15
Note-Taking Exercise
Exercise Tape
How was the Exercise Tape activity adapted to include a resident volunteer?
Pet Therapy
What should you check before instituting a Pet Therapy program at your facility?
Children as Volunteers
According to the speaker, what is the key to having children doing volunteer work in your facility?
Staff Cooperation
When organizing an activity such as a Fourth of July parade float, what is an important question to ask yourself?
Residents as Volunteers
How might you consider engaging alert, mobile residents with an attitude of helping as volunteers?
QUESTION #15: What are three activities you might consider having resident volunteers engage in?
Resident’s Name |
Activity the Resident might be able or interested to become involved in |
Volunteer |