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Instructor’s Guide Independent Training Tool: The purpose of Part I is to facilitate your providing an Independent Inservice Training to Staff. By Independent, I mean the Reproducible Inservice Training Note Taking Booklet and CD are coordinated in such a way as to enable you to give the booklet and CD to a Staff member for them to listen to and complete independently. CD TRACK 1 Brainstorm a list of the stressors in your facility:
CD TRACK 2 What are two benefits to starting with problem-focused thinking before pivoting to the positive? What is a danger of problem-focused thinking? Four Questions in Problem Focused thinking Question 1. What is my problem/stressor?
How long have you spent over-analyzing, over dissecting, and over describing your problem? Question 2. Why did this problem happen?
Question 3.Whose fault is it? List everyone you can think of.
Question 4.What other difficulties has or will this problem cause? List as many as you can think of.
CD TRACK 3 What is Oprah’s Method? Use one sentence to briefly describe the problem.
Four Questions in Solution Focused thinking Question 1. What do I want more of? What do I want to have happen?
Question 2. How can I achieve what I want more of, or what I want to have happen, or what is my ideal outcome?
What are six potential sources of resources? Question 3. What resources do I have? 2. 3. Question 4. What opportunities does having what I want generate?
What are three parts to the process for the fourth question?
CD TRACK 4 Write down a different stressor than the one used on the previous tracks.
How can asking “why” be addictive? Question 1. What is my problem/stressor?
How how long have you spent over-analyzing, over dissecting, and over describing your problem? Question 2. Why did this problem happen?
Question 3.Whose fault is it? List everyone you can think of. How are others at fault?
Question 4.What other difficulties has or will this problem cause? List as many as you can think of.
CD TRACK 5 What does Solution-Focused thinking start with? What is the real core challenge regarding solution-focused thinking?
Question 1. What do I want to have happen, or what do I want more of?
Question 2: How can I achieve what I want more of, or what I want to have happen, or what is my ideal outcome? My step-by-step plan to achieve my goal:
When listing resources that can help you get your residents to the monthly birthday party, what did the speaker suggest could be first on your list? Question 3. What resources do I have? My resources are:
Question 4. What opportunities does having what I want generate? What opportunities does this new goal create? What are the possible ripple effects?
CD TRACK 6 Why is it important to learn to recognize the 6 D’s? D #1. Defensiveness: Do I feel defensive today? How so? Is there some way in which you feel you need to be defending or protecting your point of view or your activity departmental turf?
If applicable, briefly describe one stressor below that may be linked to your defensiveness that needs to have solution-focused thinking applied to it?
D #2. Depression: What two feeling are often underlying depression.? anger or loss On a scale of 1 to 100, write down a number indicating to what degree do you feel your depression is linked to anger _________? a feeling of loss of control _________? Am I feeling depression? Are there possible underlying feelings of anger, or the loss of control?
If applicable, briefly describe one stressor below that may be linked to your depression that needs to have solution-focused thinking applied to it?
D #3. Disorganized: If this applies, write examples of three possible signs that you have become disorganized perhaps as a result of stress? 2. Examples of Absentmindedness 3. Examples of Poor judgment
If applicable, briefly describe one stressor below that may be linked to your disorganization that needs to have solution-focused thinking applied to it?
D #4. Defiance: Does direct or indirect defiance describe me at times? If so, what stressor in the facility do I need to apply solution-focused thinking to in order to defuse the stress that may be causing my defiance?
If applicable, briefly describe one stressor below that may be linked to your defiance that needs to have solution-focused thinking applied to it?
D #5. Dependence: Am I so stressed that I regress and withdraw from my leadership role in some subtle way in the facility?
If applicable, briefly describe one stressor below that may be linked to your dependence that needs to have solution-focused thinking applied to it?
D #6. Decision-Making Difficulties If applicable, briefly describe one stressor below that may be linked to your decision-making difficulties that needs to have solution-focused thinking applied to it?
Regarding the stressor you listed answer the following questions.
2. How can I achieve this?
3. What resources do I have?
4. What opportunity may the new solution create?
CD TRACK 7 What are the four steps in Belly Breathing? In what two ways do breathing techniques help turn on the calming system? If distracting thoughts enter your mind during breathing exercises, what two things might you concentrate on to reshift your focus?
CD TRACK 8 How has talking with someone provided clarification for you in the past?
Why should you always choose a confidant wisely? People with whom you could discuss a stressful situation:
Do I give lip service to those with whom I feel a sense of conflict; only to subtly sabotage or botch the job later without their knowing? Think of a staff member in another department with whom you might share information about a resident that may make their job easier. Of course, when you do this, you assume a non-know-it-all posture at a receptive time for them.
What are four reasons “talking it out” is important? Who constitutes your support network?
CD TRACK 9 What is the “Facial Feedback Theory?” What is the “As-If” Technique?
What was suggested that you do when you approach Wendy? What were the three levels of action? CD TRACK 10 What are two basic components involved in eliciting a relaxation response? What examples were given of a focus word, phrase, image, or prayer? What are two types of meditation? A web site for information regarding a body movement form of meditation is CD TRACK 11 Step 1. Create a short, clear, and specific affirmation:
Step 2. Phrase your affirmation in the present tense:
Step 3. Now, put your affirmation in very positive terms:
Step 4. Write an affirmation focusing on changing yourself, rather than someone else:
When would be a good time to write your affirmations? After meditating? After a long walk? Make your plan below:
The eight steps to effective affirmations are: CD TRACK 12 If you would like, journal below your response to the “Little Sun” Exercise:
Write below a time when a sound or music has had a positive effect on you emotionally. Write the type of sound and the emotion:
Write below a time when a sound or music has had a negative effect on you emotionally. Write the type of sound and the emotion:
The four keys or steps are relax, breathe the sound, exhale tension, and repeat this simple exercise often. If you would like, Journal below your response to the “hmmm” exercise.
If you would like, Journal below your response to the “ahhh” exercise.
CD TRACK 14 Write a statement of your visualization. I want….
How should you handle any doubts or contradictory thoughts that arise during your Creative Visualization? What five points are mentioned regarding maintaining a light, gentle, and positive energy? Additional Meditations Glowing Spheres - Opening the Energy Centers Lie down on your back with arms at your sides or with hands clasped on your stomach. Close your eyes, relax and breathe gently, deeply and slowly. Imagine that there is a glowing sphere of golden light surrounding the top of your head. Breathe deeply and slowly in and out five times while you keep your attention on the sphere of light, feeling it radiate from the top of your head. Now allow your attention to move down to your throat. Again imagine a golden sphere of light emanating from your throat area. Breathe slowly in and out five times with your attention on this light. Allow your attention to move down to the center of your chest. Once again imagine the golden light, radiating from the center of your chest. Again take five deep breaths, as you feel the energy expanding more and more. Next put your attention on your solar plexus; visualize the sphere of golden light all around your midsection. Breathe into it slowly, five times. Now visualize the light glowing in and around your pelvic area. Again take five deep breaths, feeling the light energy radiating and expanding. Finally, visualize the glowing sphere of light around your feet, and breathe into it five more times. Now imagine all six of the spheres of light glowing at once so that your body is like a strand of jewels, radiating energy. Breathe deeply, and as you exhale, imagine energy flowing down along the outside of the left side of your body from the top of your head to your feet. As you inhale, imagine it flowing up along the right side of your body to the top of your head. Circulate it around your body this way three times. Then visualize the flow of energy going from the top of your head down along the front of your body to your feet as you slowly exhale. As you inhale, feel it flow up along the back of your body to the top of your head. Circulate the flow in this direction three times. Now imagine that the energy is gathering at your feet, and let it flow slowly up through the center of your body from your feet to your head, radiating from the top of your head like a fountain of light, then flowing back down the outside of your body to your feet. Repeat this several times if you wish. When you finish this meditation you will be deeply relaxed, yet energized and exhilarated. Pink Bubble Exercise Sit or lie down comfortably, close your eyes and breathe deeply, slowly, and naturally. Gradually relax deeper and deeper. Imagine something that you would like to manifest. Imagine that it has already happened. Picture it as clearly as possible in your mind. Now in your mind’s eye surround your fantasy with a pink bubble; put your goal inside the bubble. Pink is the color associated with the heart, and if this color vibration surrounds whatever you visualize, it will bring to you only that which is in perfect affinity with your being. The third step is to let go of the bubble and imagine it floating off into the universe, still containing your vision. This symbolized that you are emotionally “letting go” of it. Now it is free to float around in the universe, attracting and gathering energy for its manifestation. There is nothing more you need to do. NCCAP/NCTRC CE Booklet | Administrator Post Test |