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CE Book

Activity Professionals, ignore the above Administrator CE Booklet link. Answer questions below. Then click the "Check Your Score" button below. This CE Book screen gives you FREE scoring and anonymous unlimited FREE trials. If you get a score of 80% or higher, and place a credit card order online or enter your existing registration number, indicating you have paid for a CE Booklet, you can get an Instant Certificate for 10 CE's. If you have not paid for a CE Booklet, you will be asked to provide your credit card number.

DVD Questions The answer to Question 1 is found in DVD Track 1 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 2 is found in DVD Track 2 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question.
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1. What question was asked to relate the Geometric Puzzle to Effie's life experiences?
2. What is said to compliment Marie for her success with Caps-in-a-Bowl?
3. What was said to help Freida identify pictures in the Reality Orientation Book?
4. What are three "Approaches" suggested for Fannie?
5. What was said to create a successful experience for Marie?
6. What three activities could you try with a resident like Mabel?
7. How was Scent Therapy reinforced?
8. What are sample Care Plan Goal starter phrases for Lillian?
9. What was done to communicate with Mary?
10. Why is it better to have an Activity Apron made from a solid color of fabric?


A. a. To encourage her to say words; b. To repeat words she says that are understandable; c. If you don't understand
simply say, "I don't understand what you said."
B. Commented on eyes open and noise; "You're looking right at me now. That makes me feel really good. And you're breathing harder.  That really makes me feel good;
you're responding more."
C. "Did you and your sister ever play games or puzzles when you were a kid?"
D. To squeeze hand upon request; To roll Bean Bag with total physical assistance.
E. "What a good job! I could tell that that's clearly M-A-R-I-E."
F. "Great. Good job! I see you are using those fingers there. Ah, you even got the last one!"
G. Comment on opening and closing eyes; Comment on making noise; Getting in Mary's line of sight; Raising volume of voice; Use of an amplifier.
H. Yarn Winding, Magazine Folding, Grocery Bag Weaving.
I. "Can you see these trees right here?" Pointed to trees in picture.
J. If the Activity Apron is made from a printed fabric, the item affixed to it tends to get lost in the pattern for the resident, and they tend not to notice the object as much.

"Instructor's Guide" Manual Questions The bolded words below correspond with that section in the Manual in which the answer is found. Thus, to find the answer to Question 11 below the answer can be found in the Section of the Manual dealing with the bolded word. Use Table of Contents in Manual to locate Sections listed below.
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11. Semi-Comatose Residents: What are the four areas of assessment for a heavy care resident?
12. Sensory Stimulation: What is one important use of Scent Therapy?
13. Mobile: What is a crucial key in implementing a Mobile with a resident?
14. Bean Bag Rolling, Activity Apron, Doll: With what type of resident might you consider using an Activity Apron?
15. Baseball, Balloon Batting, Pillow Maze: How might you adapt the Pillow Maze for a resident who cannot pull the bags out of the Maze?
16. Clay: Why is Clay Rolling not implemented at a total physical assistance level?
17. Block Stacking: What is a crucial key to remember when implementing Block Stacking with a resident?
18. Bean Scooping: How did the author experience unusual success with Bean Scooping? 
19. Bead Stringing: What was suggested if the resident was unable to keep the correct amount of tension on a yarn needle for Bead Stringing?
20. Fish Game, Marshmallow Guess: In the Fish Game, what is the advantage in using a paper clip and magnets over a Velcro ball?
21. Bingo:  What are three adaptations you might consider when adapting Bingo for your low-functioning and Alzheimer’s residents?
22. Envelope Stuffing: What are three ways in which Envelope Stuffing can be adapted for a low-functioning resident?


A.  A resident for whom Block Stacking is appropriate may be distracted by too much verbalization.
B.  Color Column Bingo, Single-Digit Bingo, and Picture Bingo.
C.  The four areas of assessment for a heavy care resident are: 1. eye openness, movement, and focus; 2. breathing depth and rate; 3. head, hand, and face gestures; and 4. vocalization- noise, sound, and word
D. An important use of Scent Therapy is as an introductory activity to bring a resident into a more alert state.  
E.  If the resident cannot keep a correct amount of tension on a yarn needle for Bead Stringing, use Scotch tape to make a stiff end to the yarn.
F.  A crucial key in implementing a Mobile with a resident is to have the resident assist in selecting the pictures used.
G.  Clay rolling is not implemented at a total physical assistance level because it is extremely difficult to totally physically assist a resident to glide his or her hand over the clay with the varying amounts of pressure required as the shape moves from a ball into
a narrower and narrower rope.
H.  A group of fairly alert residents came in to the Activity Room and asked to do Bean Scooping, because they thought it was fun,
and liked the sound of the beans.
I.  Three ways to adapt Envelope Stuffing are: 1. provide the resident with obsolete materials, rather than an active project; 2. have the papers already tri-folded for the resident; and 3. cut the papers so that they are smaller and slide into the envelope easier.
J.  You might consider an Activity Apron for a disoriented resident who likes to have something to hold in his or her hands to manipulate, but who is likely to drop an object frequently.
K.  Using a paper clip and magnets gives the resident a better chance at success, since the paper clip is drawn to the magnet.
L. You might adapt the Pillow Maze to be a passive activity in which the resident observes you pulling out each bag to find the ‘surprise’, making your conversation the quality of the activity.