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Section 17
Action Plan for Amiables

Table of Contents

Name of staff member whom you feel may be an Amiable:


Check characteristics of staff member whom you feel may be an Amiable.
Behaviors Exhibited by Amiables
______ 1. Possessing agreeable qualities
______ 2. Good-natured, friendly
______ 3. Behavior is directed outwardly: family, friends, and other department members.
______ 4. They give and receive affection. Openly hugging residents, etc.
______ 5. They are the first to establish strong personal ties
______ 6. Are accepting of others
______ 7. May be quiet, cooperative and supportive; minimize interpersonal conflict
______ 8. Provides positive strokes for other people’s work and accomplishments
______ 9. Think about other people’s feelings
______ 10. Anxious to please, but look for hurt feelings if a conflict arises
______ 11. Key behavior is being a people person

Check characteristics of staff member whom you feel may be an Amiable.
Motivators for Amiables…
______ 1. To be wanted and accepted; to belong, professionally and personally.
______ 2. Convey acceptance and belonging; to them they have “made it.”
______ 3. Preparation for change is seen as synonymous with concern for the person as an individual.

How to build a teamwork relationship with Your Amiable

Motivational words to use with an Amiable
Check the words you feel most appropriate for the staff member you listed above.
______ 1. Reputation
______ 2. Experience of others (Here’s how it worked for them), “Others feel that...” Name dropping
______ 3. Feeling words, happy, sad, fearful. Surprised, disappointed and be concerned why you showed up late.

Approaches to use with an Amiable
Check the approaches you feel most appropriate for the staff member you listed above.
______ 1. Treat the employee as an individual. For example, if they have called off sick due to stomach problems, when they come back to work ask them how their stomach was. This shows that you care and it also shows that you know why they missed.
______ 2. To show you care about them as a person. Start personal comment. Take time to develop the relationship. Show Concern for his/her position and interests.
______ 3. If you disagree, look for hurt feelings, personal reasons.
______ 4. Requests on a Personal basis “I need your support,” feel loyalty and dedication to people, not to paper or to facts if they like the person. Contrast to the Analytical who is motivated to action by a firm, organized presentation of the facts
______ 5. Involve the person in group efforts
______ 6. Provide them with organizational tools to help them to stay on task and be on time.  For example, write
meeting times and deadlines on a post-it and hand it to them.  They usually won’t think of this.

Don’t do the following if you want the Amiable in your facility to become a Team participant
Check the don’ts you feel most appropriate for the staff member you listed above.
______ 1. Don’t keep deciding for them or they’ll lose initiative;
______ 2. Help them to develop time tables
______ 3. Make sure they understand
______ 4. Put it in writing

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Back to Section 16

Table of Contents