Semi-Comatose & Low-Functioning 1-to-1 Activity Ideas with 91 Care Plan Goals
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At this time, only the following course has been NAB approved:
"Vol. 2 Alzheimer's Interviews DVD: Low Functioning to
Semi-Comatose 1-to-1 & Small Group Activities
with 91 Care Plan Goals"

Should there be sufficient Administrator response, the course below will be submitted to NAB for Administrator credit.

Vol. 5: MDS Compliance! Practical Guide to Making Time for your Alzheimer's & Low-Functioning Programs

10 CE certificate for $95!
Answer Booklet

Answer questions below. Then click the "Check Your Score" button below. This Answer Booklet screen gives you FREE scoring and anonymous unlimited FREE trials. If you get a score of 80% or higher, and place a credit card order online, you can get an Instant Certificate for 10 CE's.

1. If you have a volunteer who needs constant 'hand-holding,' what might you do to solve this problem?
            a.  Recruit another volunteer specifically to work with the original volunteer.
            b.  Continue to 'hand-hold'
            c.  Make them do it on their own

2. Which question needs to be answered in order to have a structured bedridden one-to-one program?
            a.  Who are your bedridden residents?
            b.  When is your lunch break?
            c.  What is your resident’s name?

3. A loner is:
            a. a resident who cannot or will not leave his or her room.
            b. a hermit
            c. a resident on loan from another facility

4. Which of the following describes a "socially independent" resident?
            a. socializes with other residents or roommates, but does not attend group activities
            b. cannot leave his or her room
            c. cannot stand other residents

5. According to the text what percentage of a resident population can you expect to be loners?
            a.  about 50%
            b. about 0.5%
            c. about 95%

6. Which of the following is a component in the Finding Time Ratio?
            a. Total # Loners / Total # Residents
            b. Places you have looked for time / Places you have found time
            c. # of days in a week / # of days in a month

7. The percentage of loners in a facility may vary based on:
a.  The location of the facility and the age of the community & admission policies and how full your  facility is
            b.  The number of loners whose family members do not visit them
            c.  The number of loners no longer in the facility

8. If 52 out of 131 residents are loners, and there are 10 half days in a normal week, how many have days should be spent with loners?
            a.  4
            b.  60
            c.  .009

9. According to the text hat is a potential problem of an Activity Director seeing every resident in the facility every day?
            a.  No quality one-on-one time is spent with the residents.
            b.  He or she will always stay at work late in order to fit everyone in.
            c.  There is never a problem.

10. What is meant by the "Sandwich-in" effect?
            a.  Squeezing Success Therapy® One-to-One activities around the structured group activities program.
            b.  Having personal one-on-one time with the residents during lunch breaks.
            c.  “Sandwiching” a loner between two groups residents in hopes that they will respond

11. Who is least likely to hold you accountable for lateness?
            a.  total care, bedridden, confused patients
            b.  group residents
            c.  domineering residents

12. Which of the following is a justifiable repetition of two bingo games in one week?
            a.  both bingo games are normal bingo
            b.  both bingo games are picture bingo
            c.  bingo on Monday is normal (numbered) bingo, and bingo on Friday is picture bingo

13. In the speaker's opinion, who is more important?
            a.  the less alert resident, because he or she gets no stimulation unless someone comes to her
            b.  alert, active residents
            c.  residents who receive a lot of visitors

14. Why is it necessary to have separate programs for alert and confused residents?
            a.  alert residents do not want to interact with confused residents because they feel threatened by them
            b.  confused residents do not want to interact with alert residents because it makes them feel stupid
            c.  it is not necessary to have separate programs for alert and confused residents

15. In which of the following situations would it be justified to form a program, despite small numbers?
a.  Bobby brings in a dance coach on Monday nights because two of his patients won't stop bugging him about it.
b.  Judy builds a program for three former farmers because she is trying to meet the needs of an underserved group of residents.
c.  Karen, an expert at teaching people how to knit, tries to form a knitting group, despite the fact that all her residents are arthritic men.

16. According to the track, one of the roles of Activity Director is _____.
            a.  Program Developer
            b.  Delagator
            c.  a and b

17. In Track 8, the speaker described an Activity Director who held an afternoon program for three former farmers. This Activity Director fulfilled the role of Delegator by:
a.  turning the Farmer’s Discussion Group over to a volunteer once she had created a successful program for these residents.
            b. keeping the task to herself so she would get the credit
            c. seeing to the resident’s every need herself

18. What are Pet Pretty Patients?
a.  The handful of alert residents who attend most group activities and are vocal about the activities they would like to do
            b.  Patients who are flirtatious with the CNAs
            c.  Low-functioning and Alzheimer's patients who own pets

19. What are job jollies?
a.  Activity Directors who tend to create programs to meet the needs of Pet Pretty Patients, because they are the most vocal about the activities they would like to do
            b.  Annual office-wide Secret Santa
            c.  Joking with residents

20. What is one way you can create time for your Success Therapy® program?
            a.  Combine programs consistently attended by the same group, such as a Bible Study and a Sing-a-Long.
            b.  Combine any programs.
            c.  Get rid of programs that have less than 20 regular attendees.

21. According to the text, which one of the following limits and enhances the Activities Program?
            a.  The residents' interests and abilities and the Activity Director's (or Activity Department's) interests and abilities
            b.  Food as prizes
            c.  Volunteers

22. What does the speaker say is the best term(s) to use when referencing Success Therapy® sessions?
            a. b and c
            b. "room exercises"
            c. "Success Therapy®"

23. Why is it important to be sure that Success Therapy® sessions are more than just "visits"?
            a. Success Therapy® activities are structured activities: there is a problem, a goal, and an approach.
            b. You aren't getting paid to "visit."
            c. It reminds lonely residents that no one visits them.

24. What is one of the three W's regarding making time for your low-functioning residents?
            a. when
            b. who
            c. a and b

25. When choosing which residents with whom to begin one-to-one activities, what did the speaker mean by “Don’t set yourself up to fail?”
            a. only choose residents who have low abilities, because it makes you look good
            b. only choose residents who have high abilities, because it is easier
            c. choose residents who have a varying level of abilities

26. How many residents should STAY a priority according to the speaker?
            a. start with a few at a time - about 3
            b. 0-1
            c. 15

27. What is a good number of residents with which to START  Success Therapy?
            a. start with three residents and get input from nursing
            b. start with over a dozen, because many residents drop out
            c. start with five and add more until nursing gets upset

28. What is the secret to having a workable physical environment?
            a. The art of placement: put things you use most often where you can reach them easily
            b. Frequent breaks
            c. Getting involved

29. If you are right-handed, where is the best placement for your phone?
            a. to the right
            b. to the left, so you can write with your right hand
            c. It makes no difference

30. According to the text, what will make de-cluttering less stressful?
            a. calling a clutter buddy and recording your progress
            b. making giant piles
            c. eating comfort food

31. If you are planning on de-cluttering for 30 minutes, for how long should the timer be set?
            a. 30 minutes
            b. 20 minutes, so that you will have 10 minutes to clean up and hide your sorting piles to the side
            c. just work until you are done

32. What will help you to “operate” or use your To-Do List?
            a. record things that need to be done as they come up
            b. buy an expensive planner that will encourage you to use it
            c. Keep it in an obscure location

33. The Comprehensive To-Do list is:
            a. All your miscellaneous lists for the entire year.
b. a compiling of all your tasks, a kind of warehouse from which you will move a certain number of manageable tasks each day onto your Daily Task List.
            c. the same as your Daily Task List.

34. In addition to tasks, what are other types of information that you might keep track of on your To-Do List?
            a. miscellaneous ideas for “future action” & errands arranged in geographic order
b. pictures of residents
            c. only put tasks on your To-Do List

35. What are the three ways to organize your Daily Task List to make more time?
            a. free-form, by content, functionally
            b. today, tomorrow, by end of the week
            c. delegate, assign, pass on

36. According to the text which of the following is a good way to get rid of those dreaded tasks that just won't quit nagging on your conscience?
            a. treat yourself: for every three tasks you accomplish, give yourself a reward
            b. try to forget about them
            c. don't do them

37. What is a key to avoiding the “low-priority trap”?
            a. Don’t spend too much time on low-priority tasks, or they can create a paralyzing thicket of loose ends.  
            b. Ensure that absolutely every low priority is met
            c. Only worry about high priorities

38. What is a good way to "set your priorities in motion"?
    a. Take a few minutes daily to review your top few priorities for the day
    b. Move tasks from your To-Do List to your Daily Task List and plan when you are going to do them.
            c. A & B

39. What is "taking advantage of your biological rhythms"?
            a. Organizing tasks to coincide with your energy bursts and lapses
            b. Always exercising and eating a healthy breakfast before work to ensure high levels of energy
            c. Scheduling work shifts in accordance with your preferred circadian cycle

40. If you have to confront an unpleasant or stressful task, what would be the best time of day to do it?
            a. at the end of the day
            b. at the beginning of the day
            c. at your personal energy peak, so you will be able to devote as much energy as possible to the task

41. What is NOT a good way of handling drop-in visitors and spontaneous meetings?
            a. Keep your briefcase on the visitor's chair.
            b. Tell them you're busy right now and ask them to call in advance next time.
            c. Set a time contract.

42. Why is coming into work 15 minutes or a half hour early a good way to power-pack your day?
            a. It will make you look good in front of your boss.
b. It will give you much-needed private time to tackle those #1 tasks, like documentations before the phone starts ringing and residents start to stream into your Activity Room.
            c. You won't feel guilty leaving a half hour early.

43. What is a good tool to use if you have a tendency to chatter?
            a. a three-minute egg timer
            b. start raising your hand when you have something truly important to say
            c. a flyswatter (for your companion)

44. Which of the following messages would be the best to avoid phone tag?
            a. "Hi, Jane, it's Alice.  Call me back when you have a chance at 555-1234."
            b. "Hi, Jane, it's Alice.  Call me back as soon as possible at 555-1234."
c. "Hi, Jane, it's Alice from Springmill Ponds.  I need to talk to you about transferring a resident.  Please call me back at 555-1234 between noon and 4pm, or leave me a message with the best time to reach you."

45. What are concepts to consider when finding your "Optimum Activities Workstyle"?
            a. Do you work best under pressure, or in a calm environment?
            b. Is the amount of time and effort I’m putting into this task warranted by the potential payoff?
            c. Do I actually like these activities, or am I just putting up with them?

46. Which of the following is the best way to tackle hard tasks?
            a. finish the hard part first
            b. start with the easy part
            c. Neither is wrong - the most important thing is to find out which method is right for you.

47. How might you adapt the Contact Folders idea to streamline meetings?
            a. Put the phone numbers of all your contacts in a “mental” folder.
b. You can create 'instant agendas' for meetings by creating a Contact Folder for the meeting, and dropping materials to be discussed into the folder as things come up.
            c. The Contacts Folders idea cannot be applied to streamline meetings.

48. It would be a good idea to create a contact folder for:
            a. Sue, a resident
            b. Mary, the dietician, with whom you have frequent contact
            c. the entire staff

49. If you suspect you are in the grip of perfectionism, what question should you ask yourself?
            a. "Is the amount of time and effort I’m putting into this task warranted by the potential payoff?"
            b. "Can I do better?"
            c. "Why did I start this, anyway?"

50. What is a "small, specific, obtainable goal" for an extremely disoriented Alzheimer's resident?
            a. to name the person in the picture
b. to make eye contact with the picture
c. to make a list of people they remember