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Audio Transcript Questions The answer to Question 1 is found in Track 1 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 2 is found in Track 2 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question. Important Note! Underlined numbers below are links to that Section. If you leave this page, use your "Back" button to return to your answers, rather than clicking on a new "Answer Booklet" link. Or use Ctrl-N to open a new window and use a separate window to review content. (Because many computers will not accept "Cookie-Type Programs," when you close this page, your answers will not be retained. So if working in more than one session, write your answers down.)
Answers: A. Arrange for someone to call you once per day, develop a signal system with your neighbors, inform the fire department of your condition, and talk with your postmaster B. Four steps are 1. assign priorities to your activities, 2. use your energy wisely, 3. take a break if you feel tired from thinking, 4. develop good communication skills C. These four factors are disabling with kindness, TEA, meanness, and complaining D. Celebrate your victories, Be determined, Anger can be harnessed, Judge whether you can control a situation, Break up large tasks into more manageable basic components, and Most stress comes from what you tell yourself E. The five parts are, recording the time daily activities take, using structured schedules, using calendars and daily reminders, using digital clocks, and set realistic goals. F. Ask the patient what would comfort them, be empathetic and understanding, be respectful of feelings, and know that crying has restorative powers G. Focusing on independent tasks, saying thank you, making an effort to go out, not complaining, improving skills, keeping a sense of humor, and expressing appreciation.
Questions: 8. What are four consistent themes identified that describe features of emotional recovery from stroke? 9. Why did some stroke patients feel resigned to accepting a passive role in interaction with hospital staff, particularly in the early stages of their stroke? 10. How does McEachron define rehabilitation? 11. According to findings by Ramasubbu et al., what percentage of patients with depression following stroke had no significant functional disability? 12. What have many studies found concerning the relationship between PSD and mortality? 13. How do Corbin and Strauss define the process of trajectory management? 14. Why do some professionals consider stroke to be an exceptional illness that fits into a bereavement model of recovery? 15. What does Bury argue about the effects of serious, chronic illness? 16. According to Ouimet, a patient with major or minor depression after stroke is how much more likely to die, compared with patients without depression? 17. What may the lack of association between PSD and the sex of the patient indicate, considering the sex prevalence of depression in the general population has a female: male ratio of 2:1?
Answers: A. Bury argues that serious, chronic illness disrupts the normal pattern of personal development creating a ‘biographical discontinuity’ and individuals respond to such challenges by making sense and ‘normalizing’ their new situation. B. 52% of patients with depression following stroke were found to have no significant functional disability. C. Four themes are uncertainty, hope, loss of control, and anger/frustration. D. 1. Identifying the patient's trajectory phase and setting goals. 2. Assessing the factors likely to influence trajectory management (including resource and environmental constraints, and biographical factors). 3. Determining which factors are to be targeted for manipulation. 4. Implementing the appropriate nursing interventions and evaluating their effectiveness. E. The lack of association could indicate that brain injury affects men and women differently due to sex-based differences in brain organization and that greater biological predisposition in women is opposed to nonbiological factors associated with depression in poststroke men (for example, issues of physical impairment and social support), which could decrease the prevalence gap. F. Stroke is considered to be an exceptional illness that fits the bereavement model because of the suddenness of onset, the uncertainty of the future and the length of time it took to make a recovery. G. Rehabilitation is defined as a dynamic process of planned adaptive change in lifestyle in response to unplanned change imposed on the individual by disease or traumatic incident. The focus is not cure, but on living with as much freedom and autonomy as possible at every stage and in which ever direction the disability progresses. H. Some patients felt resigned because of their perceptions of the importance of knowledge held by the professionals who were working for them. I. A number of studies have reported increased mortality in patients suffering from PSD. Depending on the time of diagnosis of PSD, the odds ratios vary between 1.5 and 2.6. It has been found that there is an association even after 1-2 years. J. Major and minor depression in stroke patients were associated with a 3.4 times higher risk of dying, compared with patients without depression.