Vol. 1 CD: Alzheimer's & Low Functioning 1-to-1 Activities with MDS Based Care Plans! - NCCAP28044-09
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At this time, only the following course has been NAB approved:
"Vol. 2 Alzheimer's Interviews DVD: Low Functioning to
Semi-Comatose 1-to-1 & Small Group Activities
with 91 Care Plan Goals"

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Vol. 10 CD Set: Staff Support & Cooperation

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Audio Transcript Questions The answer to Question 1 is found in Track 1 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 2 is found in Track 2 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question.
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1. What are some of the C’s regarding gaining support from your administrator?
a. Compliance
b. Census
c. A & B
2. According to the track, what are some of the specific areas relating to support for your program?
a. Surveyors look for all staff to be involved in the provision of activities
b. Surveyor guidelines specifically reference the need for residents to be transported to and from activities
c. A & B
3. According to the track, why should you give the scheduled meeting with your DON as formal an atmosphere as possible?
a. To maximize the seriousness with which the DON will take your request for support.
b. You’re still on the job while meeting with the DON.
c. The DON is not your friend and you must not act like he or she is.
4. According to the track, what are some of the points you should include in a brief document regarding Culture Change guidelines to hand to your DON during your initial meeting?
a. Shower, medication, and therapy schedules coordinating with residents’ attendance at activities
b. CNAs doing activities with residents
c. A & B
5. What is the Two-Screen Technique?
a. A technique by which you
b. A technique for “screening” out two problems that are bothering you?
c. An advanced technique for screening your calls
6. What are the four steps in the Two-Screen Technique?
a. Recall past conflicts
b. Choose one conflict and make it into a still photo, placing this photo on the left half of a visualized screen opposite a visualization of a meeting with your administrator;
c. A & B
7. According to the track, what is a system you might use to encourage all staff to do activities with residents?
a. Put a Success Therapy® Bag in residents' rooms, which contains a project you have started with the resident.
b. It’s their job so they should be happy to do activities with residents without any encouragement
c. Send out a memo saying that the staff with the most activities will receive a bonus
8. What are some of the steps in attainting staff support that have been covered so far?
a. Meet with your administrator to clarify his or her ideas concerning Culture Change compliance
b.  Acquire a hard copy of CMS Guidelines
c. A & B
9. According to the track, what two things should you bring to your meeting with your DON when you discuss a strategy for compliance?
a. A second copy of the CMS guidelines
b. A listing of resident’s names, CNAs not in compliance, and specific dates and times when you have reminded staff to, for example, provide a resident with an activity after dressing the resident.
c. A & B
10. According to the track, what is the first step in getting them to follow through?
a. Set your request
b. Meet with your DON
c. Patronize your DON
11. According to the track, what are some of the aspects of communication that can help you gain the respect of other staff?
a. Eye contact,
b. Body posture
c. A & B
12. According to the track, what can you convey by maintaining positive eye contact?
a. By maintaining eye contact, you communicate respect and interest in the other person, respect and interest for your own message which you are conveying, and respect and interest for the ideas of the other person.
b. By maintaining eye contact you can intimidate the person you are speaking to and force your ideas on the other person.
c. By maintaining eye contact you can visually transmit your intentions without ever having to speak about your topic.
13. According to the track, what is one method you can use to minimize risk when you expect a negative reaction?
a. State what you are not intending
b. One method is to not speak at all so there can be no reaction
c. Start by offering the other person a gift or a favor
14. According to the track, what are some of the steps in establishing a relationship with one of the Therapies or another staff member?
a. Schedule a meeting
b. Provider him or her with a hard copy of the guidelines regarding the alteration of therapy schedules to make it possible for the resident to attend activities
c. A & B
15. According to the track, what are some of the unsupportive reactions you may receive when you request a change?
a. Grumbling
b. Guilt trips or complaining
c. A & B
16. According to the track, what is the first criterion to think about when considering a department head's or staff's positive or negative reaction to your requests for change?
a. How does your request appears to them?
b. Whether you are asking for a raise or not?
c. Do they dislike me or not?
17. What is active listening?
a. Active Listening is a process where, as the other person talks, you rephrase their statements to assure you understand their meaning. 
b. Active Listening is a process where, as the other person talks, you rephrase their statements to hear want you want.
c. Active Listening is a process where, as the other person talks, you actively zone out anything that isn’t about you.
18. According to the track, what are some of the steps regarding what to do when staff does not follow through?
a. Timing your request
b. State your observation in a factual, friendly manner
c. A & B
19. What is the benefit of assessing the Level of Emphasis that is appropriate to the current situation?
a. Assessing the right Level of Emphasis allows you to respond to a situation in a way that makes it more likely for you to get what you want, which is staff support and cooperation.
b. Assessing the right Level of Emphasis allows you to make your points about ten times more effectively.
c. Assessing the right Level of Emphasis allows you to correctly gauge your DON’s thoughts and get what you want.
20. According to the track, what is meant by Deflecting?
a. Deflecting is a two step process where you precede your side of the situation with an acknowledgement regarding what the other staff member said.  After acknowledging the other staff member’s side of the situation, you then restate your request.
b. Deflecting is a two step process where you ignore what the other person said and then restate your request.
c. Deflecting is a two step process where you verbally “deflect” the other person by cutting them off mid sentence and then restating your request.
21. According to the track, what are some types of catastrophic thought patterns?
a. Catastrophic what-if thinking
b. Thinking in absolutes
c. A & B
22. According to the track, what is the main pay-off(s) for not being assertive?
a. Safety
b. Praise
c. A & B
23. According to the track, what are some common types of self-belittling, powerlessness statements?
a. False uncertainty statements
b. False inability statements
c. A & B
24. According to the track, what are some types of powerlessness statements?
a.  False uncertainty statements
b.  False inability statements
c. A & B
25. What phrase is associated with each type of powerlessness statement?
a. “I’m so stupid”
b. “Goodbye”
c. “I don’t have to listen to you!”
26. According to the track, what is one of the steps concerning your commitment to change?
a. Successful imperfection
b. Writing about it in your commitment journal
c. Déjà vu
27. According to the track, what is the first questioning concerning the first step in your commitment to change?
a. What is my goal?
b. What am I doing here?
c. What is the first questioning?
28. What is a step to success?
a. Setting goals
b. Concentrating on a Specific Situation
c. A & B
29. What are some of the areas of CMS Culture Change especially pertinent to the Activities program?
a. Residents are to be transported to Activities of their choice by CNAs
b. All staff are to provide residents with Activities per their Care Plan.
c. A & B
30. What can you accomplish when using “I” statements when addressing an issue of noncompliance with another staff member?
a. By using “I” statements, instead of “you” statements, you can reflect your perception and feelings and send a non-blaming message regarding transporting.
b. By using “I” statements, instead of “you” statements, you take all the blame so the CNA doesn’t get their feelings hurt.
c. By using “I” statements, instead of “you” statements, “I” reflects your inner calm and sends a non-threating message to those around you.
31. According to the text, what is step one in gaining support for transporting?
a. Describe the behavior in observable, non-blaming terms.
b. Downgrade your vocabulary when using negative descriptors. 
c. Write a self-talk message you had when you noticed the unsupportive behavior
32. What are some steps in the action plan for asking for Culture Change compliance?
a. Describe the behavior in observable, non-blaming terms
b. Tactfully describe how you felt about the behavior
c. A & B
33. According to the text, what is the martyr mentality?
a. The mentality that attempts to instill both guilt and blame upon the transgressing staff member
b. The mentality where you sacrifice your well being for other staff members
c. The mentality where you force your beliefs on other staff members
34. According to the text, what are some of the steps in developing a script for your reply to “busy and short”?
a. Be short and specific
b. Repeat and pin-point problem
c. A & B
35. According to the text, “busy and short” refers to?
a. When we are working short-staffed with fewer staff members than what are needed
b. What happens when someone is extremely anxious over not being able to get somewhere
c. When someone works hard on something and falls “short” of expectations
36. What are some of the concepts you might reference when explaining your concern regarding Culture Change noncompliance in your Broken Record script?
a. Your administrator’s concerns or wishes
b. Care Plan compliance
c. A & B
37. According to the text, what should be the first part of your “Broken Record” Script
a. Describing the Area of Noncompliance
b. An apology to your DON
c. Making a mental list of people you dislike
38. Why might you want to avoid thinking of the unsupportive staff member as bad, wrong, defective, cruel, or in some other negative light?  
a. Even at a minimal level, your negative self talk may be conveyed in negative energy projected at the very individual from whom you are seeking support.
b. Harboring such feelings in your inner conscious can lead to harmful or self destructive thoughts
c. A negative light can have a blanket effect and dampen any positive thoughts you might have
39. According to the text, what can you do to help you avoid of thinking of unsupportive staff members in a negative light?
a. Inject positive adjectives into your vocabulary
b. Clear your mind and think only happy thoughts
c. Visualize the unsupportive members as cartoon characters
40. According to the text, what are some of the statements you might use to respond to a staff member who states “I don’t ever want to discuss that”?
a. Consider restating your Broken Record script
b. Consider saying the change is important to you for some resident-focused reason like increased alertness or increased quality of life
c. A & B
41. According to the text, what can you do when confronted with the “Not Now” Diversion
a. Negotiate a specific later time to discuss the problem
b. Have the issue taken up right then, persist
c. A & B
42. What are some of the methods you might use if another staff member uses a “verbal abuse” distraction?
a. Ignore
b. Acknowledge
c. A & B
43. According to the text, what is the first type of “Blaming” Diversion?
a. “Blaming you for Culture Change”
b. “The Denying Diversion”
c. “The Actuality Game”
44. What are some of the steps in responding to the “I intended to” diversion?
a. Recognize “I intended” as a Valid Statement
b. Escalate, as a last resort, if needed
c. A & B
45. How might you handle a “poor me” diversion?
a. Change the topic or leave the room
b. Admit your responsibility in the matter
c. Both a and b
46. What are three strategies for coping with negative body language diversions?
a. Commenting briefly, Ignoring, Exploring and Expanding.
b. Apologizing, Exploring, and Postponing
c. Fogging, Joking, and Complaining
47. Jim decides to talk to Trisha, the CNA, since she is not providing Marie with Lacing Cards after agreeing to do so.  When he reminds Trisha about her agreement, she states, “I’m so stupid! I’m sorry, Jim, I’ve really let you down.  I can’t believe I’ve been so forgetful!”  This is an example of:
a. A Debating Diversion
b. An Apologizing Diversion
c. Constructive conversation
48. How does the speaker recommend viewing other staff member’s defensive diversions?
a. As excuse-making
b. As a put-down
c. as a sort of smoke-screen created to avoid the discomfort of change
49. Feelings can be used as barometer to help you determine:
a. When the weather will change
b. To give you hunches or cues when you need to listen and not talk
c. When to be aggressive with another staff member
50. According to the speaker, which of the following is an example friendly, supportive, professional body language?
a. Wrinkling your forehead
b. Looking directly at the other person’s face
c. Rubbing the back of your neck